Mood swing 2.0

I'm known as a basically carefree, positive and happy person, but even seemingly happy people can suffer from sadness and if it deepens, depression. Right now I'm going through a tough period and feel a bit low, uninspired and down, not anywhere near depression but very unlike me.

I know what this is due to, new health problems seem to pop up all the time. I mean, I already have six chronic diagnoses that are really tough on their own, now I've had a hemorrhage in one eye for just over three months which at the last check-up seemed to have gotten much better.

But two days ago it started bleeding a lot again at the same time as a jelly-like membrane, partly transparent but mostly gray, means that I can't see a thing with my left eye. I have to contact the clinic as soon as possible, I'm afraid the vitreous has come loose. They didn't think so, so I can wait until my regular check-up appointment next week.

In addition to this, I have developed some type of skin condition that causes bleeding wounds. It hurts a lot and of course ruins my clothes. Wounds for a diabetic are not good because they have difficulty healing.

So my mood has changed due to the above problems. How much can a person really handle?

Due to my vision problems (and my current mood), the posts are a bit brief and sporadic right now, just like this one. Sorry about that.

Stay well for now...and stay healthy …


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