Berry battle

A bad back, bad knees, no strength in the ankles and no feeling in the feet. Not the best conditions for berry picking wouldn't you agree? Here's a description of a simple activity that has become somewhat difficult.....

I have two larger currant bushes and a natural plot with stones, pits and steep slopes. Not the best foundation for a wobbly lady, but I hate to let good berries go to waste. So armed with bucket and plastic gloves, I rose to the challenge.

I had to place myself some distance from the bush to stand on safe ground and thus I had to lean forward in various strange poses to grab a branch and pull it towards me with one hand while I picked the berries with the other. There were a lot of berries so I had to hold the same pose for quite a long time, or rather until my back gave up.

To make a long and painful story short, I had to give up after about a liter of red currants. At least it was enough for a jar of jelly. Tomorrow is time for the black currants that sit on a slightly better placed bush. Will try to collect at least 3-4 liters of berries so there is some in the freezer for later.

It's a shame that berry picking has become such a painful pleasure, I used to love walking in the woods and pick both wild raspberries, blueberries and lingonberries and also mushrooms. Nowadays, I just have to pick them from the shelves in the grocery store instead. Not at all as fun....

There are many things you have to give up as a multi-illness person, small things it may seem, but which you managed without a thought as a healthy person. Very annoying and very sad...
Picking berries is just one of them. 

Take care.....See you in my next boring and meaningless post....


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