What's up with America?

I may have deliberately suppressed the fact that Trump was actually the President of the United States not so long ago, a shameful period by the way, but now all the ominous thoughts have started to spin again....

So here's just a thought....

The United States is populated by about 323,312,000 people. If you consider that at least a small percentage of these have the appropriate age, education and other basic criteria required to constitute a decent politician, you still get a massive base from which to pick a suitable presidential candidate..... .so how in the hot ¤!#/%&%¤# did the Donald end up there in the first place??!

I'm not going to list all the nasty traits, phobias and isms that can be applied to this man, I think most people know these by now and I don't want to waste words on such a ridiculous and disgusting figure. However, what fascinates and scares me out of my wits is that so many seemingly normal Americans seriously intend to vote for him....Seriously?!

I can have some understanding of their arguments, that they are tired of the political establishment and like someone who stirs the pot so to speak, that they want something other than the political broilers that some families from certain walks of life produce on an assembly line. But hello!! There just has to be better options than the biggest narcissist and compulsive liar in the country....just look around the nearest corner...just grab someone off the street for the heck of it!

The problem is not only that the rest of the world laughs and marvels at what is happening to "The greatest nation in the world", just think of the idea that this unstable, ego-tripped and short-tempered man once again occupies one of the most important and powerful positions on earth. Imagine the Donald sitting in the oval room, with one finger on the social media apps and the other on the nuclear weapons codes..........makes me terrified....makes me almost puke....


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