..and the livin' is easy....
Fish are jumpin'....
Summer is the best season for me, and I suppose for all with rheumatic or/and osteoarthritic problems. Heat relieves the pain and softens the joints, it becomes a little easier to move. The only downside is that it's bright outside almost 24 hours a day, so if someone like me has trouble sleeping at night, it's important to have blackout curtains.
Well, when I come to think of it there's another downside, I have to wear those sexy compression stockings all the stylish when you're wearing a nice summer skirt on a hot summer day.....NOT! But I have no choice, if I don't use them daily my legs and feet swell up enormously. Polyneuropathy suck....
When the body starts to cooperate a little better, you can devote yourself to your interests or hobbies. I like working in the garden, do some handicrafts and painting and it's always easier in the summertime. My hands and fingers obey me better and I don't get aches as quickly.
So at the moment it's gardening going on. I have a "nature plot" that is quite easy to maintain. I let some weeds remain, such as meadow flowers, to facilitate the butterflies.
Later this summer, some old furniture will be refreshed, a bit of sanding and painting so that they will be like new again. I'd rather do that than buy new, but if I need something, I buy it at flea markets. Recycling is my passion....
I will also take "Old Betty" for a ride, my retro motorhome. It will probably be to Norway where we have family and friends, and I'm totally in love with the Norwegian nature.
So I have my vacation already planned, but but I know from experience that there will always be some changes so we'll see...
Wish you a wonderful summer wherever you are and whatever you plan to do!
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