Bitterness is bad for your health

Here comes a post filled with bitterness and self-pity, so brace yourself and bear with me.
It's about how I sometimes wish some people had to switch places with me, if just for a day....

Those who look askance at you because you rarely or never join activities, and when you do for once, they think that you seem disinterested and introverted.

Those who complain loudly about an abrasion or temporary headache and expect overflowing compassion and comfort from you.

Those who constantly question the "perks" you receive to be able to do your job..Those who worries and complains about your problems face to face but talks crap about you behind your back…

Yes, I'm bitter, and above all I'm jealous of you… 
Those of you who actually have a life and a meaningful free time, who have the opportunity to enjoy something as simple as a walk, pleasant company or an evening at the pub.

Those of you who don't have to walk around with constant pain that eats away at both body and soul..

Those of you who don't need two hours every morning to get your body working..

Those of you who doesn't need daily medication that makes you drowsy, forgetful and unfocused..

Those of you who don't have to spend every weekend, holiday and other time off for rest and recovery by doing as little as possible...

So please don't steal my energy with your ignorant attitude and misguided jealousy, because I need all the energy I can muster to manage my home and work in the best way possible and also try to keep my spirits up in the meantime...


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