Pain & Agony times two
The Bodily agony
After months of excruciating pain in my left knee, I finally got my ass out of the cart and contacted the health care.RA, osteoarthritis and neuropathy are not a good combination. I've had difficulty walking, sitting, standing for a long time and have hardly been able to sleep at night. The worst pain is osteoarthritis related, it feels like having a screwdriver driven into the knee, and there is only one position where the pain subsides a little, the leg completely straight and completely still. I find it very difficult to sleep on my back due to my spinal stenosis so I don't get much sleep and I struggle to get out of bed in the morning due to back pain. Guess how alert I am at work........
Well, anyway I got an appointment with a physiotherapist who stated that the muscles around the knee have kind of shriveled up. This means that I overload my right leg and thus risk having the same problem there. Got some examples of lighter exercises to strengthen the muscles.
The next day it was off to the doctor. She asked what I thought about possible surgery and I quickly replied: Great and preferably has now referred me to the orthopedic department so now I'm waiting for an appointment for x-rays to have fresh plates for assessment by the orthopedist.
I don't expect to get an appointment anytime soon, the post-pandemic problems within the health care is very noticeable, but I hope it won't be too long.
The Mental agony
As some may know, Sweden has a new government. A right-wing conservative bloc including a party with roots in neo-Nazism. I'm ashamed of the people and the media who have contributed to the normalization of this party to the point that they are now a significant part of a government's basis. A party that has repeatedly shown that its ideology still contains their same old fascist ideas. Party members who cannot hide this in general statements and political problem formulations. They may have swapped boots and leather jackets for suits, but the change is only superficial.I am also concerned about the wave of right-wing extremism rolling over Europe. We have long had countries with authoritarian right-wing nationalist regimes and in other countries extreme right-wing parties are advancing, and in the Italian election they just brought back fascism in the spirit of Mussolini....
And then we have Putin…
We all have to struggle with the consequences of a crazy despot's ego trip, which of course mostly affects the people of Ukraine in an inhumanly hard way, but also causes serious problems for people in the rest of Europe.
These are scary times we're living in right now, so a painful knee isn't really something to complain about, right? But I don't care...because it really, really, REALLY hurts..
We all have to struggle with the consequences of a crazy despot's ego trip, which of course mostly affects the people of Ukraine in an inhumanly hard way, but also causes serious problems for people in the rest of Europe.
These are scary times we're living in right now, so a painful knee isn't really something to complain about, right? But I don't care...because it really, really, REALLY hurts..

Osteoarthritis sucks!
The Sweden democrats sucks!
Putin sucks!
The Sweden democrats sucks!
Putin sucks!
But do you know what wouldn't suck?
A new knee joint and peace in Europe!
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