Bad politics
It's been a long time since my last post again. I could blame the Swedish election result and the shock and sadness it caused, but that would be exaggerating a bit.
The truth is that I've been so overtired because of lack of sleep due to the excruciating pain in my knee. And since I work intensely in the home office all day, I have no energy nor any sensible thoughts left in my head in the evenings.
But the aftermath of the election affects me too....
I will make one important comment regarding the election, I'm ashamed of having a government that includes a party with roots in nazism and where this ideology is still showing its ugly face in their politics today. It's utterly worrying how far-right nationalism and fascism are spreading in Europe and the world.

There's a lot of worrying things happening in various places in the world right now, serious crises that steal all the attention from perhaps the most serious of them all, the climate crisis.
In Sweden, we have had for a long time our own Ministry of the Environment, and to return to my negative attitude towards our new government, one of their first measures was to close it down. It's so idiotic that you hardly believe it to be true!
And then we have Greta.....How will today's politicians explain to tomorrow's children and young people why they did nothing about the climate threat?
The truth is that I've been so overtired because of lack of sleep due to the excruciating pain in my knee. And since I work intensely in the home office all day, I have no energy nor any sensible thoughts left in my head in the evenings.
But the aftermath of the election affects me too....
I will make one important comment regarding the election, I'm ashamed of having a government that includes a party with roots in nazism and where this ideology is still showing its ugly face in their politics today. It's utterly worrying how far-right nationalism and fascism are spreading in Europe and the world.

There's a lot of worrying things happening in various places in the world right now, serious crises that steal all the attention from perhaps the most serious of them all, the climate crisis.
In Sweden, we have had for a long time our own Ministry of the Environment, and to return to my negative attitude towards our new government, one of their first measures was to close it down. It's so idiotic that you hardly believe it to be true!
And then we have Greta.....How will today's politicians explain to tomorrow's children and young people why they did nothing about the climate threat?
Sweden has always been among the world's leading nations when it comes to climate research and the development of new environmentally friendly technology, but for our bourgeois, right-wing conservative government, as usual, market forces and their profits come first.
Jeez, now I think my blood pressure is rising way too to finish before the cylinder head
Hopefully I'll get my bad knee sorted soon and thus also my empty head..
To quote a famous cyborg....."I'll be back"
And hey....let's be careful out there! 😎
Jeez, now I think my blood pressure is rising way too to finish before the cylinder head
Hopefully I'll get my bad knee sorted soon and thus also my empty head..
To quote a famous cyborg....."I'll be back"
And hey....let's be careful out there! 😎
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