Autumn plans

Well, I know it's not quite autumn yet, but as it's now getting closer to the end of summer vacation, I want to be a little prepared. It also feels good to have something to strive for, in this case a better feeling both physically and mentally, and getting more energy through some small changes in everyday life.

My summer vacation is, like I said, over, I start working on Monday and it's back to every other week commuting. Even though all my holiday plans were ruined by unforeseen events, it has still been very nice to have a long and continuous period of rest and freedom to do what you want at any time. Now it's back to fixed routines, stress and deteriorating physical well-being.

Ah well, it's normal to feel like this, a little low and depressed when normal everyday life returns, but it usually only takes a week or so and you're back in the groove again.

It's going to be a busy fall at work and I've put a few things on my to-do list that should at best make it a little easier when I'm at the workplace.

First and foremost there's something that will make life easier on all levels, I am in dire need of a new knee joint so getting an operation done is therefore the first priority.

I'm going to get a pair of walking sticks and go for a walk every night now that I've finally found training shoes that fit my troublesome feet. It has been a long and painful search I'll tell you...

I plan to pick up my painting skills again. Feel that I have to kick start my creative side a little more. I'll start with pastel and maybe a little acrylic painting in a smaller format.

I'm not exactly I think it's both fun and relaxing to doodle a little...

I've also found some books at various flea markets and online that will brighten my lonely evenings in my small overnight apartment. 

It's all physical books since I don't like audiobooks very much.

I especially like biographies, history and non-fiction books, but I can also read some contemporary depictions depending on the author.

So I have the autumn planned and ready, now I just have to make sure to get everything done. It may seem a little ridiculous, but I feel that I have to get some kind of routines for my weekly accommodation. You easily end up sitting on your butt in front of the TV after work and that doesn't exactly make you more energetic. And energy will be needed during the long dark season up here in the north...

But it's still late summer and you have to make sure to enjoy it while you I sure will...

Hope you do too...



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