Hopeful plans
Well, wishes are nice but they seldom come true.
All one can do is hope, and strive for one's plans to come true, at least some of them.It's exciting to make plans for the future, especially at the beginning of a new year, but one often makes the mistake of planning too grandly...But you always have the hope to rely on
2022 will be a year of hope. A hope of the ending of the pandemic, a hope that the world takes serious action against the climate changes, a hope that countries will be led in a democratic way and that the national conservative dictators will be just a bad memory...
For example, I didn't want to disturb the healthcare with small things but has now realized that small things can develop into big problems if you are not attentive. I've been affected by rose fever on both lower legs that started with a few small wounds that I did not pay special attention to, and that was not fun at all...
Well, this is my hopes for the year, whether they will be achieved is another matter, at least those who I can't affect myself.
I also hope that your coming year will realize everything you want to achieve, and that you will have good health and great experiences...
I end with an old qoute about hope and my own interpretation:
"Five of the sweetest words in the English language begin with H, which is only a breath — Heart, Hope, Home, Happiness, and Heaven."
~The Youth's Companion, 1853 ~
Having a good and compassionate HEART filled with love is a guarrantee for a happy life and for good relations.
HOPE is the most important word. Without hope life is completely useless. To have something to strive against, things to accomplish is what life is all about wheter you succeed or not.
HOME is where your heart is. A safe and calm place for rest, recouperration and family.
HAPPINESS is necessary fuel for body and soul. A boost of zest for life.
HEAVEN is a place you either believe is the home of God, or an unexplored eternity with a possibility of unknown worlds.
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