Just contemplating...
Sometimes in my darkest moments, I contemplate over the situation in our world from different angles just to bring my attention from my own problems. Funny enough, I think mostly about problems even then as well, but worldly ones instead of personal.
At the moment I think about this covid virus, and its mutations, with its ever-increasing ability to spread infection. My vivid imagination links it with the human kind's ability to destroy the climate on our planet. Could this disease been sent here by a higher power to decimate the number of this self-destroying species and at the same time prevent overpopulation? With a bit more imagination: could it be sent here by aliens?
Too much science fiction...lol..? But you have to admit, "Omicron" would be a great movie title....
Well, either way we need an eye opener when it comes to the climate, in fact, it's most likely too late already...
Another thing I've been contemplating about is the shift from the pursuit of democracy to national conservatism which has happened in recent years in many countries of the world. There's a strategy that advocates exclusion instead of inclusion.
There's nothing wrong with nationalism if it's not excluding anyone who has made the country their home, and there's a big difference in being proud of one's country and its culture and traditions and to be restricted and hostile to whatever that's different.
And there's this uglier kind of nationalism showing in several countries, where abuse of power is common and fascism is the underlying ideology. There's also a common strategy among those in power to benefit their own person through their power position.
The contemporary increase of tendencies towards these nasty ideological orientations are a subject I think about a lot...
Well, this became a cheerful post..right? Lol... I'm sorry, but it's maybe because I have a really depressing mindset at the moment.
Hopefully I have managed to get out of it for future posts.... Take care out there...
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