Sorry, I'm swedish...

I received a message the other day with complaints of bad grammar, spelling and other language related things on this blog. Well, what can I say...I'm swedish...duuhh...

I have warned my eventual readers several times about my sometimes inadequate english and the many shortcomings that follows of trying to write in a forein language, especially when you want the words to come fluently and spontaneously. But here I go again then...

I apologize to anyone who feels offended by my sloppy language management or have trouble to understand what I'm writing. I also have a really great suggestion...stop reading it then!

Sorry for my outburst, I'm having sort of a bad day.

I just came to think of something...that this post in some way correlates to my previous post "Venting about complaints". 
Well, it's my turn now...

I'm now officially complaining about everyone that complains about my! Now I'm in a much better mood.



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