Signs of life
I have been a bit trapped in a period of mental fatigue and lost desire for creativity. It has shown both in my work and in my free time. I have many smaller project ideas to fix up my home, and also for my hobby activitie, crafts, but no mental or bodily strenght to get started. It's just the same as with my blogging, minus the mind block...
But it's finally time for my summer holiday and I have a random road trip planned in my new but old caravanette, a 1987 Citroën Pilote in original condition. It will be interesting, but also a bit scary to see if my sore and stiff body will endure this kind of camping experience. However, I still look forward to this trip since it is a calculated effort to break the monotony of my everyday life.
Unfortunately, this became a really short post, but better than nothing. I repeat that I have a very hard time turning my thoughts into posts at the moment but hope that a restful and invigorating holiday will help.
I wish you a lovely and refreshing summer as well....
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