A tiresome post

One thing with my life bothers me a lot ...

Like this:

After a couple of weeks with a rheumatic flare, and the pain and stiffness slowly subside, I finally get to sleep at least a couple of hours at night and I look forward to making up for lost time and devoting myself to postponed things.

But nooooo, because then the great tiredness that comes from the relaxation from the pain and the lack of sleep weighs you down like a couple of thick and heavy blankets and you can barely get out of the chair after the working day when you have let go of the concentration.

Trying to keep my eyes open for a while longer is just to forget, it's just to aim for the bed and spend at least an hour resting. Then you just sit dizzy on the TV couch for the rest of the evening, yawning your jaws out of joint, not having any idea of what you're watching, totally without energy. Meanwhile the pile of dishes, laundry and the dust rats grow ....

"You should go for a brisk walk and get some fresh air" is one of many suggestions I get when I tell someone how I feel. Oh yes, I'd really love to do that...if only I had a fresh pair of feet with normal size, feel and steadiness, and legs that didn't hurt to the extent that I can barely lift my clumsy feet more than a few inches above the ground..but thanks for your concern.

This dark and gloomy season doesn't help either. It's pitch black when you head off to work and the same when you head home.

Geez what a whiny post this became...but hopefully I'll get my energy back when my body decides that it has had enough rest...so....time for a nap...see ya!



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