The whining activist
One of the many reasons I have to blog about chronic illness is to vent my problems, or as some people want to call it, whining. And I can agree, sometimes it is pure and pathetic whining, but when you don't have anyone to talk to, why not terrorize whoever that cares to read?
I also like to write and comment on things that happens in our society and politically, and preferably on topics that correlate with my interests and things that worry me about them. Sometimes I really want to become an activist but hey, who am I kidding, I'm too old and my joints are too stiff for climbing the barricades, I'm having trouble being active just by sitting on a chair by my PC writing about it for goodness

I also like to write and comment on things that happens in our society and politically, and preferably on topics that correlate with my interests and things that worry me about them. Sometimes I really want to become an activist but hey, who am I kidding, I'm too old and my joints are too stiff for climbing the barricades, I'm having trouble being active just by sitting on a chair by my PC writing about it for goodness

I've also become aware of another thing that makes it difficult to be an activist, how on earth would I be able to chose my battles when there are so many topics that worries me? On the top of the list is of course the climate, it's the biggest challenge for humanity and everyone should become activists for this matter. But in a smaller perspective, there still are many topics on my personal list that I would fight for if I could.
Well, now I could call myself an activist fighting for for the right to jokes aside, there are many legitimate topics that concern me
I'm very worried about the increasing right-wing populism with its conservative and protectionistic thoughts which withholds old structural constructions such as racism and stale and degrading views on women's rights and on the LGBTQ community.
Racism, which is related to the subject above, is an issue that grab a hold of me, and first and foremost the subtle everyday kind, the one that's hardly noticeable for a white privileged person but must be degrading almost to exhaustion when one's subject to it daily.
Animal rights and survival has always been an interest. Trophy hunting and animal abuse is something that really infuriates me. The climate issue is one of the threats to wild animal life and the pollution of our oceans kills tons of fish and sea mammals yearly.
Well, this is just some examples of the matters I'd be engage myself in actively if I was younger and healthier. But as it is, I have to be content blogging about these specific issues and naturally topics concerning health, and last but not least, whining about my own sad life...
Well, now I could call myself an activist fighting for for the right to jokes aside, there are many legitimate topics that concern me
I'm very worried about the increasing right-wing populism with its conservative and protectionistic thoughts which withholds old structural constructions such as racism and stale and degrading views on women's rights and on the LGBTQ community.
Racism, which is related to the subject above, is an issue that grab a hold of me, and first and foremost the subtle everyday kind, the one that's hardly noticeable for a white privileged person but must be degrading almost to exhaustion when one's subject to it daily.
Animal rights and survival has always been an interest. Trophy hunting and animal abuse is something that really infuriates me. The climate issue is one of the threats to wild animal life and the pollution of our oceans kills tons of fish and sea mammals yearly.

Yes, I might be over exaggerating a bit about the whining, I'm actually a very positive person and I really try to inspire and be up-lifting here, but one need to vent one's frustrations and complain a bit from time to time to be able to be happy and positive in between.
Especially in these frightening and depressing pandemic times....
Take care out there...
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