The Swedish approach

Swedes are a compliant people, it's a national trait that has been inherited through time and that’s why I believe this pandemic situation with its strict rules and recommendations suits us. We are unlikely to complain or revolt even if we find it difficult and frustrating sometimes.

We have this untranslatable word in Sweden, ”lagom”. By that is meant roughly "just about enough", not too understated or over the top, it’s somewhere in between...just about the right level. Well, it’s not easy to explain, but I hope I make at least some kind of sense.

Many opinions has been raised about the Swedish approach to this situation, mostly that it is too soft and it’s understandable since most countries has proclaimed total lock-downs and hard quarantine routines. But as I said, Swedes are a compliant people, we follow rules and we listen to and trust our experts and government. There's of course exceptions, like everywhere else there's always people who preferably think of themselves in first hand, but most of the Swedes have a tendency to come together in these kind of national crises.

The word ”lagom” could therefore be applied to our approach. Not a too hard version of a lock-down (that would make it a bit easier to restore our national economy), and with the same serious recommendations and rules about social distancing, working from home etc. that most countries have. And it’s all based on the government’s reliance on its citizens sense of responsibility and solidarity. And I think that’s how a well functioning democracy should work.

Nobody can tell which approach is the right one before the pandemic is over, and until then we just have to endure the situation with trust and in solidarity with all those who work in healthcare under difficult and uncertain circumstances and those who work in the service professions to make everyday life work for all of us, by doing our part with not spreading the virus and overloading the health care system.

Just do your part, and regardless where in the world you are I hope you're okay...

Until next time:

Stay safe…

Stay at home…

Keep clean…



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