Time doesn't fly, but my thoughts do
We rely on experts who are well-read on their subject but who mostly come with qualified guesses as this virus is brand new and has a unusually high infection spreading frequency. Their predictions don’t feel very reassuring, that's at least what I think. This uncertainty is hard mentally, and the anxiety is especially high when you are in a high-risk group. And you can’t really get away from it since it’s all over the news, talk shows etc. everyday long. It's all people are talking about for god's sake... I’m trying to keep myself busy and avoid most of it. I of course listen to updates and relevant information but at this point, dwelling on the subject isn’t doing me any good.
My unsorted head could also be due to the voluntary quarantine situation I’m in. There’s a lot of time to let the thoughts fly free…
Being in home quarantine can be stressful for many, nothing to do, loneliness, it feels as if the walls are closing in on you and the home you love is transforming to a prison...But if you change your mindset and instead sees that this tough and boring situation is a great opportunity to unleash your imagination and creativity. Realize your ideas for home improvements and DIY projects which there was never time to implement, or invent new ridiculous and fun games, and test them out if you're not alone in the home. Time will pass quicker, your home decor will have changed, maybe even improved, and you can introduce new social games to your friends when it's time to get social again.
I've never had any problems with being alone, I've had to get used to it because of my health situation. But I also know that some daily routines is important, not just when it comes to working from home but for one's leisure time as well.
So I've decided to concentrate on my well-being by creating a new routine to exercise and also some changes in my diet. Maybe do some experimental cooking and create new wholesome recipes. As I’m working from home due to the virus situation, it’s going to be easier to make time for things like that but on the other hand, harder to avoid snacking and napping…lol…
I’ve also started one of my DIY project ideas, making appropriate storage units for my hobby room. A real challenge as the room is very small and I have a LOT of stuff….
Well, since my head isn't screwed on correctly at the moment, I think I'll stop babble now…lol..
Until next time…
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