A whole other subject
Recently, I have been thinking a lot about social development, not only in my home country Sweden, but in Europe and other countries. I have a political commitment that lies slightly to the left and I'm deeply troubled by the extreme right-wing tendencies that are increasing in society.
When so many people put so much energy into blaming immigrants and refugees, particularly Muslims and Jews, for their own misery in life, a hate that's eagerly encouraged by politicians in right-wing conservative parties, the Nazi- and right-wing extremism only grows stronger and bigger.
These ultra conservative leaders' agenda is to divide the people. Everyone who does'nt fit into their ideologys template should be removed or "illiminated". They speak of a nationally inherited essence which is the sole key to the the birth and development of a country, and totally ignores the fact that migration has been the origin of societal development since the origin of man.
The "purification" of the nation only starts with the immigrants, then comes the "sexually deviant", the sick and disabled, i.e. all those who don't fit into their purebred template or don't benefit socially but rather drain the common economy. (Here I managed to squeeze in the health aspect I talked about in the beginning...)
This may sound very alarmist, but we have seen it before and the pattern is frighteningly similar, an insidious, hidden agenda with repeated statements and promises of fast, hard solutions to difficult societal problems that appeal to the discontented people.
Okay, so...my intention with this isn't to go into any debate mode, I just want to express my concern and frustration over these worrying trends.
My main concern is how people can be so easily influenced, gullible and unsuspecting....
Are the human brain on the way to wound up instead of develope?
I mean, one would think that the experiences of history should help mankind to avoid to repeat the worst mistakes and help the developement forward to create a better world for ourselves.
Here I could go on with the human impact of climate change and other problems that's threatens our existance, but I won't. I just want to end this post with a hope of a change in the political landscape to a will for unification and cohesion instead of division and disagreement....
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