A nerve-wracking week

Here's an update from my everyday life, which as you know isn't very interesting, but it's about an experience that might give a glimpse of what a spoonie in rural Sweden need to go through to check up on the status on one of her diagnoses, neuropathy.
First of all, when suffering from chronic pain in the whole body, riding a car isn't a very good transporting method. Secondly, it doesn't make it any better when someone sticks a long needle down into one's muscles and then add some electricity to it... which was the purpose of this second trip.
I’m not afraid of needles, I’m a diabetic for god's sake, and take five insuline injections each day and also some other injections for my diabetes and also for my RA, but even if this treatment were really unpleasant, the effects afterwards were a lot worse. Stiffness and aches which make me move like an old cowboy who unfortunately pooped in his pants...
My plan was to have a nice shopping round at the huge local shopping center after the hospital visit, but I only made it through two stores before I had to give up...
Well, the thought of yet another long car trip to my place of work the morning after wasn't very inspiring and caused a lot of stress, but I managed it and I also made it through the work week despite the pain and stiffness....and my funny walk..
I've now spent the weekend in tranquility and stillness trying to rest but I've also tried to soften up my muscles with some light yoga-like stretching....to get rid of that ugly cowboy dude....lol...
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