Back to work

Returning to everyday life after three weeks off can be difficult for anyone, but it could be worse if you are dealing with chronic illness.

After such a long time of rest and recuperation, you are feeling so much better but you’re also aware of that the pain and all the other symptoms will come back with a vengeance as soon as you are back to your everyday routines, and the stress that comes with that knowledge isn’t good for you either.

So, to limit the stress, I challenged myself to find at least three positive sides of going back to work and my weekly commute. After some hard thinking, this was the result:

1. I get to socialize with my colleagues instead of just the dog and my hubby.

2. I will be forced to walk to and from work which will give me a bit more exercise.

3. The weekends will return to being "happy weekends" again since I will be spending them at home.

A bit lame, I know, but better than nothing. 

And now I have endured the first work week of 2020 and I survived…barely.
Yes, it was nice to see my colleagues again and the walks to and from work was probably good for me even if my pains worsened. But I've been forced to tell myself over and over again to take it easy and not stress, and that's been, although it sounds ridiculous, very energy-consuming.

Well, I’m trying to rest as much as possible during this weekend to see if week no 2 is going to feel a bit easier and less stressful. No cooking, baking or washing and just the most necessary cleaning. It all has to wait until my body and mind is in phase again....and the pain and stiffness has lessened.

Hope your beginning of 2020 is going smoothly...See you soon...

XOXO  ðŸ’‹


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