Chronically Ironic

It has been a while since my last post. Sometimes you find yourself in a state where blogging unfortunately must come second, for example, when the consequences of one's illness take over and become so overwhelming and energy-intensive that one has to prioritize getting the most important stuff done first, for example to manage your commitments when it concerns your work and home life.
These short pauses of blogging are quite common when it comes to me. When I feel okay I sometimes blog as a maniac but then comes periods when I feel like shit and I just can't be bothered. Neither the body nor the brain is working. I can't seem to formulate a understandable sentence after work hours. Immediately after the day's necessary duties, I'm switched to zombie mode and then I just want to sleep .... and then sleep a bit more...
Right now I've had an unusually long and difficult period with several rheumatic flares, insane pain and sleep problems, and at the same time a hectic period at work. But since I've got a bad conscience for my slow updates, at least I'll try to get a post together today.
Rheumatoid arthritis, or RA for short, is a very deceptive disease. It can lie pretty quiet in the background to suddenly decide to: "Nah, how dreary to just lie around and quietly make some ache here and there, lets throw a party on a knee joint and really make some pain for a while ... she already has problems with the right foot so the left knee joint will be my natural choice....just watch her try to walk afterwards" lol....... or: " Hmm, it was a long time since I sat down on some of the finger joints or wrists...and since this bitch is righthanded, the right hand is the perfect one to park my butt on ... hehe"...
Chronically ironic? Well, sometimes you just have to laugh at the misery and let out the good endorphins that can actually help mitigate both the mood and the pains instead of burying yourself in self-pity and depressive thoughts.
So bring it on RA-dude...I'm a tough cookie!
You may wear me out but you'll never bring me down!
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