Body control – Not so much....
Well, I wouldn't know, I can't even tie my shoes without a place to sit and without high-pitched pain-related sound effects, mixed with all kinds of profanity .... So to all of you who are telling me how your bodies still work perfectly, here comes my comment of the subject, a brief summary of some of my body problems.
I call it "A Chronic's Complaint - the short version".
I will begin from the top so to speak, with my head.

So to sum it up, I'm not just stiff and inflexible, I'm tired and crabby too.... I don't think anyone wants to bring me to their yoga
I call it "A Chronic's Complaint - the short version".
I will begin from the top so to speak, with my head.
- I can only turn my head a little more than one inch to each side and up, then it's a stop. If I turn my head too fast it feels like my head is going to come loose and spin I try to avoid passing good looking
- I can't lift my arms especially high without pain and I can't stretch them backwards. In my youth, I could snap the bra behind my back, nowadays....not so much...
- I can't bend my fingers completely, so I have trouble grabbing things but very easy to drop them ....and if I'm forced to sign a document or take meeting notes, no one will be able to decipher my illegible scribbles....and since I have no strength in neither arms or hands,I can't carry anything heavier than a chihuahua...well, maybe two.....puppies...
- I cannot use certain seating furniture or bed mattresses due to my spinal stenosis, and I can not walk very far or stand up for a long time before the pain in the lower back which continues down to my legs becomes unbearable.
- Neuropathy in my lower legs and feet makes it very difficult to walk and to keep the balance due to the loss of sensation and weakened ankles. It's been known that people have mistaken me for a slightly intoxicated and large penguin ... but to their defense it can be added that happened on quite dark and hazy nights....Despite the loss of sensation, the pain in my lower legs and feet is very intense, especially when I lie down, which causes constant sleep deprivation.

So to sum it up, I'm not just stiff and inflexible, I'm tired and crabby too.... I don't think anyone wants to bring me to their yoga
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