Time management - an exhausting task

Had a frightening experience last week, a fire broke out in my house. I'm okay even though I inhaled a lot of smoke, but my house is really damaged.

That is all I'm going to say about this frightening accident at this moment, except this: Check your smoke alarms and other fire safety equipments periodically folks! 

The subject I had planned to write about has to do with the difficulties of time management when you're living with an unpredictable and rapidly changing illness. 

I myself have learned to add time to each activity that I have to perform on a daily basis, and the experience has taught me how much extra time that's required for my daily routines, not only because of fumbling fingers, incapability to lift my arms , lack of strength and grip and such things, I also need to rest a bit between some of the activities. So my morning routines for example are very time consuming.

The problem is that because of this, and because I also need some extra rest after 8 hours of work, there's no time left for any leisure activities or spontaneous whims, and if there is, I often have to pay for it the day after with increased pain and/or fatigue.

There's many things I'd like to do on my spare time besides resting. I'd love to do crafts or paintings or go for walks to take inspirational photos, but it's not only time that doesn't allow these things, I never seem to have the energy. 

I think this problem is the most depressing thing about being chronically ill for me. So each time I'm feeling depressed, angry or frustrated about it, I try to think of the things I still can do, and that's why my work is so important. To still have the ability to perform my profession at a fairly high level is what's keeping me in a positive mindset despite everything.

But I still wish I had some extra time to do something fun and creative once in a while....



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