Infection effects

It’s the same thing almost every time….every little cold or infection triggers the worst behaviour from each of my diagnoses.

The spinal stenosis is pinching the ischias nerve like crazy, the RA is attacking every joint of my body, the herniated disc in my neck makes my neck go totally stiff, my neuropathic feet and legs get even more swollen and achy and my glucose levels is in a roller-coaster 24/7. 

Sometimes the combined effect gets so intense that I can’t even move because of excruciating pains. All this from a runny nose, a tiny and ridiculous sniffle…

This time around I can add migraine-like headaches and severe dizziness to the symptoms.

I haven’t been able to work for two weeks, but even if some of the symptoms still lingers on I’ve decided to get to work on Monday anyways, otherwise I'm going nuts. Too much bad stuff is going on in my life and just sitting around and dwelling on it isn’t helpful for my health at all. I really need a break from all the negative thinking, so a lot of piled up work will be a well needed distraction.

The weather forecast has promised snow, so I have to pack some winter clothes for my workplace apartment. It's a bit stressful to have two places to consider when it comes to all the stuff you need on a daily basis, both at home and away, especially when you have a bad memory and are affected by brain fog now and

One time I forgot all my ready-made lunchboxes at home and another time my apartment keys. Luckily I remembered it halfway, it made me almost an hour late to work though.

Well, we’ll just have to wait and see how it goes with everything. If I don't screw up things too much, maybe I'll tell you next



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