A mind full of issues

Sorry if my updates have been a bit irregular lately, but my life is a complete mess at the moment.Issues about work, health, financial problems and an urgent need of house repairs are on my mind day and night. I’m overly stressed and it affects many aspects of my daily life in a negative way.

The biggest problem is about my financial situation, but another of the issues that I need to get a grip on is how to balance work in perspective to my overall health condition and the negative developments of my different diagnoses in particular.

The work hours are not as much a problem as other circumstances, like the weekly commuting and the lack of a driver’s license. I’m dependent of appropriate transportation due to some of my health conditions. I have to chose between car or bus and since a long bus ride is out of the question, I need someone to assist me with a car ride twice a week. That someone is my hubby, but he's on disability pension and has his own health issues to consider. He's been driving me so far, but who knows how long he's capable.....

But the work hours, the worries of being all alone, and the tiresome transportations all combined, takes too much of my energy. My spare time contains of nothing more than rest and sleep, and what kind of a life is that? Although my work is very important to me, I’ve realized that I need to revalue things if I want to have some kind of meaningful life in the future.

Okay, this was just meant to be a short update and an explanation to my difficulties to write a blog post that’s worth reading right now. I will try to write one as soon as my thoughts is somewhat clearer.

Hopefully things will change to the better soon....because it can't really get any worse....

...but don't worry, I'll be back soon...I'm a tough cookie...



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