New balls please....

I’ve lost my balls….my training balls that is, I can’t find them anywhere….With reference to my previous post, I really need to get serious about my hand exercises if I going to be able to start with my hobby project any time soon...

I have four weeks of vacation now and the first week is all about relaxing and regaining enough energy to be able to do something fun during the following two weeks, and then using the last week to relax and build up some energy for the oncoming work weeks. So all in all, it's actually just two weeks of effective vacation.

One of my plans for the summer is to get my sewing studio in the basement in some kind of workable order so I can start testing my capacity to work by my machines. If it turns out well, I will have something fun and rewarding to do during the dark autumn- and winter evenings, and also a great distraction from the pain and other bad stuff that’s going on.

I'm also trying to get some kind of structure on my modest but necessary daily exercises. It’s usually impossible during work weeks when it's like a long and painful workout just to get dressed and get ready in the mornings, but much easier now when there’s a lot of time in the mornings for the body to get started properly before it's time for the exercises.

Well, that's my rather uninteresting first report from the sun chair, hoping to have some more amusing stuff next time....maybe me falling off the sun chair or getting stuck in my sewing machine....who 

..but seriously... where the heck are my balls…??



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