Off balance

After many twists and turns, I finally learned that the problems with my legs and feet were due to the fact that I developed neuropathy, probably because of my diabetes. Since then, I have tried to find out as much facts as possible about the diagnosis.

It is a scary and significantly difficult condition because apart from excruciating pain, it greatly affects the balance and ability to walk. Although the pain, I have very little or no sensation in parts of my feet and it makes it hard to walk because I don't feel the surface when I’m walking. My ankles has gotten less strength, which makes me wobbly and these two problems combined makes me walk like a really intoxicated sailor….lol..

I've had a couple of fall accidents but since we’ve had a winter with extreme snow depth I've landed soft on most of these occasions. The problem has been to get back on my feet again because I've been seriously stuck in the

All jokes aside, it’s a really problematic and painful condition, and the pain is at its worst when lying down and creates many sleepless nights.

I know that people with this condition can experience a variety of different problems, and it would be interesting and maybe even educational to hear about it. So if anybody reading this has experiences of neuropathy of any kind, please leave a comment.

Meanwhile, you can learn more about diabetic neuropathy here >>


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